Chemquip is the invisible leading enterprise in China?
Yes, absolutely. The CCTV Central Television came to our factory on April, 2023 for an interview, officially confirming this point. After a long period of COVID-19 epidemic, and as a partner of Solex Thermal Science lnc, Solex global technical director came to our workshop in April this year for guidance, taking our technology to the a higher level in the industry, which including the bulk solids cooler, urea cooler, compound fertilizer cooler, soybean heater, sugar cooler, plastic cooler, fertilizer cooler, NPK cooler, urea prill cooler, granular urea cooler, DAP cooler, PP cooler, sand cooler, chemical cooler, and so on.

At the same, Chemequip Industries is also meticulously researched in other industry areas, like falling film chiller, immersion chiller, ice bank, static melting crystallizer, flue gas heat exchanger, pillow plate, dimple plate, dimple jacket, clamp on, tank with clamp on, slurry ice machine, semiconductive jacket,dimple plate jackets, pillow plate heat exchanger, heat exchange dimple plates, cavity plate, thermal plates, laser welding pillow plates, plate evaporators, coolant plates, template, dimpled jacket, cooling jacket, heating jacket, stainless steel laser welding pillow plate, steam jacket, jacket cooler, clamp on, SS304 jacket, laser welded jackets, freon jackets, dimple plate manufacturer, semiconductor jackets, pillow plate manufacturer, beer fermenter tank, beer fermenter, plate ice machine, ice machine, slurry ice machine, flake ice machine, ice machine, serpentine plate, corrugation plates, solex, ice water chiller, industrial chiller, water chiller, immersion cooling chiller, immersion chiller, crystallizer plate, serpentine plate, corrugation plates, dimpled jacket for sludge dryer, dimple jacket for milk cooling, milk cooling tank, pillow plates for falling film chiller and so on.

Looking forward to the future, we must take energy conservation and environmental protection as the foundation, provide high-quality quality as the premise, and serve every customer well. Let's look forward to it together.
Post time: May-20-2023